Your loved one collected pennies.  Have you ever found a penny on the street or in between the couch cushions and smiled, knowing you had just received a “message” from your loved one?  Have you ever suddenly “felt” your loved one’s presence?  Have you ever wondered if your loved one is OK and wished for some “sign” to let you know that it’s true? We want to believe yet it sometimes seems a little “weird” to be looking for pennies or rainbows or “signs” for a grieving heart.  Do signs really help or are they just figments of our wishful thinking? Join me as we talk with Mitch Carmody, an author, artist and inspirational speaker. Mitch is known for his research about signs from our loved ones and also for his beautiful drawings of the emotions of grief.   You can find Mitch’s books and resources at http://www.heartlightstudios.net. Please send your thoughts, comments, or suggestions to us at radio@griefinc.com, or visit our website at www.griefinc.com.

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